Cost of fixing a loose denture

A lot of dental work can be quite expensive, which is why many people will often put off getting their loose dentures replaced or repaired. However, the sooner you get problematic false teeth checked out by a dentist, the more options for treatment you will have and the greater chance of saving yourself some money.

The cheapest treatment, but is it the best?

The cheapest treatment for loose dentures is, undoubtedly, denture adhesive, although this is only ever a short-term solution for very minor problems with your false teeth. For a more permanent solution, you will just have to face the fact that it’s going to cost you.

Implant-retained dentures, false teeth that are secured to the jawbone via metal rods for extra security, are much more expensive than the regular option, but have many more benefits. A full set of dentures with a couple of implants per jaw can cost up to £10,000, but please take note that implants are not available on the NHS. Mini implants are cheaper, but are not as stable as the regular sized version and can only be used for full sets of dentures, not partial dentures or one or two false teeth. These can cost anywhere between £3,000 to £6,000 and, again, are not available on the NHS.

What about denture realignment?

Dental realignment is a slightly cheaper option, as experts are simply taking your existing set of dentures and making changes and adjustments to the fit, so they are no longer loose. Depending on the amount of changes and repairs to be made, you can have a set of dentures realigned for as little as £750.

And the cost?

If it is too late to repair or adjust your dentures and full replacement is the only option, then you can get a new set of false teeth on the NHS, but remember that these will be the most basic model and design available. If you want more natural looking teeth, a more comfortable fit or teeth made from a more hard-wearing substance, then you should expect to pay more. If you are happy with the NHS model, a set of dentures only costs around £200 or £500 to £1,000 in private clinics.